Women’s Health Video Series

Join Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Brittany Golden, for her complete Women’s Health series where she covers important issues like PMS, birth control, environmental factors, and the functional medicine approach that supports it all. https://youtu.be/zKQ5NA9d2AY

Hack Your Cycle with Cycle Syncing

Do you ever wonder why your emotions seem to change with the wind or why you’re totally together one week and then positively unraveled the next? As women, since we started our periods, our entire lives have focused on one specific week of the month. We were taught that one week was the only week […]

No Excuses! Anyone Can Exercise—Even YOU

I exercise because I want to look good in a bathing suit. There. I said it. That’s really what drives me. When I’m down to that last mile and I just want to stop, I imagine myself sitting on my boat. What does that look like? Am I wrapped up in a towel, hunched over, […]

The good news about Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Not too long ago, I walked out to my car to find my husband had parked right behind me. Growling, I stomped back into the house, ripped his keys from the counter, and stomped back out to move his truck. When I returned, slamming the door for good measure, he stared at me in shock […]


Mild Cognitive Impairment The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised and worked on a daily basis to avoid mental impairment.  As we age it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your mind sharp as it once was when we were younger.  Though it’s impossible to keep brain function at 100% as we […]

How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess

How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess Last week, I went to write down the date and my hand struggled to complete the task: December 15th? That can’t be right. Staring at the wall in front of me, I had to think.  Wasn’t it just November 15th, like, yesterday? When my brain finally caught up to the […]

Dining Socially with Friends

Dining Out with Friends: Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Your Social Life Healthy With all the good happening in your newfound healthy life, from the way you feel in the morning to the compliments you receive on your healthy glow and/or all that glorious weight loss, it would seem nothing can get you […]

Thyroid -Effects every body function. Keep it healthy!

The thyroid gland contributes to almost every function in the body. This butterfly shaped gland located behind the Adam’s apple, releases a hormone that is responsible for regulating the metabolism of every cell in the body. This effects brain function, cholesterol levels, body temperature, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and more.  This hormone is […]


CHRONIC PAIN – RELIEF IS AVAILABLE!   Chronic pain plagues 100 million Americans according to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, and is presented in a variety of forms including, headaches, back pain, inflamed joints, tendonitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia or pain that is associated with an old injury or past surgery. Many fall into […]

Defining Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatments

Happy women hugging each other

Defining Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatments Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that occurs when tissue (endometrium) migrates outside of the uterus, specifically on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other areas in the pelvic region and abdomen. This displaced tissue continues to act as it normally would during the menstrual cycle. It thickens, breaks down, and […]

Adrenal Fatigue Can be Healed!

Adrenal fatigue can surface at any time in a person’s life and is more common than you think.  Caused by poor lifestyle habits and the surrounding environment, adrenal fatigue can begin with subtle symptoms and oftentimes go undetected without proper treatment. As this prolongs, you might fall into the trap of accepting that fatigue, depression […]

Importance of Healthy Blood Sugar Metabolism

  60 million Americans have “insulin resistance” a form of unhealthy blood sugar metabolism that goes unrecognized.   Achieving and maintaining proper blood sugar metabolism is essential for a lifetime of excellent health.  Prolonged unhealthy blood sugar metabolism leads to inflammation and can significantly affect the health of your nerves, eyes, blood vessels, kidneys and pancreas.  […]

Cooling Chronic Inflammation!

Inflammation drives dis-ease like diabetes, cardiovascular, IBS, Chron’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis and obesity. Even for my clients that just want to lose weight I always say “we must put out the fire first before we can even begin to remodel the house”   Cortisol is a stress hormone and is typically an anti-inflammatory hormone, however when […]


 HORMONAL IMBALANCE – REEKING HAVOC ON THE BODIES HEALTH! Causes for hormonal imbalances include poor gut health, inflammation, high amounts of stress, genetic susceptibility, and toxicity Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health. Hormones are secreted by various glands […]


  SIMPLE STEPS TO REVERSE/DELAY AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Autoimmune issues are on the rise and about 75% of these autoimmune conditions present themselves in women. Current science now recognizes that autoimmunity is often triggered by inflammation and various stressors in the body. When the immune system becomes overwhelmed with lifestyle and environmental triggers it becomes overloaded and […]

Online & Over the Counter Supplement Purchasing – Healthy? Risky? Waste of Money?

Risking health? Improving health and wellness…….Purchasing supplements? What to get and are they the right product for the right symptom? Are they what they say they are? Are they safe? Are they certified by a reputable medical organization? Are they over hyped and under performing? Know the facts before purchasing supplementation OTC or online.  I cannot […]

8 Mindfulness Habits to Build Health

The Best Medicine Is Free Sometimes the best medicine is free! The habits we build day to day are key to our lasting health and well-being. Here are 8 habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine or begin to be more mindful of to feel your best. Water Divide your weight in half […]


UNDERSTANDING  CANDIDA…… WHAT IS CANDIDA? Candida is a fungus that is normal and lives in most of us.  However when candida becomes overgrown then it becomes an underlying issue effecting your health.  Most conventional doctors do not recognize or treat Candida, unless you present with vaginal yeast infection or thrush in which they only treat […]


Lifestyle changes can be as simple as starting with following these four simple steps: Water: Adding clean water into your daily regime can be one of the simplest changes to make. It is important to look at the source of water to help reduce toxic burden. A good water filter is a great lifetime investment. […]


Today is Fibromyalgia awareness day in honor of this day my heart goes out to all of those people that suffer everyday with this debilitating disease. I once suffered from Fibromyalgia myself and have since fully recovered. According to the Mayo Clinic fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, […]

The Emotional Connection to Healing Your Body

  One of my favorite books is by Deb Shapiro Your Body Speaks Your Mind. As a Functional Medicine RN we focus on treating the whole person looking at mind, body and spirit as we are all energy and it is all connected. Stress and emotions are related to many health issues.   Finding the emotional […]


The most common cause of heart attacks in women is coronary artery disease, a narrowing of one or more of the arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart.  This narrowing is due to the formation of plaque in the arteries.  Plaque is thick, waxy, yellowish substance consisting primarily of cholesterol, smooth muscle cells […]

How does metabolic syndrome affect high blood pressure?

Metabolic Syndrome refers to a collection of hazards that increases your risk for heart failure and other major medical issues, specifically, high blood pressure. These risks are normal functioning factors that increase your chance of developing a disease like diabetes. Metabolic risk factors can stack, and the more you have, the higher your risk. This […]

How Does Diet Affect Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition affecting millions of women in the United States. Dealing with the ailment can be frustrating as the cause is unknown; most experts believe a number of things cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome including genetics and hormonal imbalances. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, commonly referred to as PCOS, is a health issue that […]