Dinner Planning / Prepping 101


Presented by Beth Walker – Wildtree Representative


Are you tired of the mental drain of deciding what’s for dinner? Ever wish you had dinner ideas that were healthy, quick, easy AND delicious? Then this is the class for you!

You will even learn how to make vegetables taste AMAZING!


Covered Topics Include:

  1. The health, emotional and financial benefits of menu planning
  2. Helpful hints on how to simplify the menu planning process
  3. Learn how to season a “naked protein” and vegetables to make your dinner healthier and more satisfying
  4. Live demo on menu planning


When: Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Time: 6:30PM
Hosted by: Forum Health Clarkston– 7300 Dixie Hwy., Suite 500  Clarkston, MI 48346
Cost: $15.00/person call to prepay
RSVP: Call to reserve your seat 248-625-5143 by February 16, 2017

Minimum of 4 people to hold the class

