EAT, DRINK, and be HEALTHY: Lose weight and improve your vitality

EAT, DRINK, and be HEALTHY: Lose weight and improve your vitality


This interactive group workshop is a great way to get support as you begin the journey


to improve your health and vitality while reshaping your body!


Weight loss is a side effect of good health!


Must pre-register by calling 248-625-6143



6 group workshops over 12 a week period includes:

  • 2- body composition tests
  • 2- urine analysis
  • Goal setting, planning and organization tips, recipes and group support
  • Low Glycemic nutritional plan based on your caloric needs perbody composition
  • Recommendations for basic product support (all product would be at extra cost)


Class Topics and Schedule: 


Class #1 June 14th 6:00 p.m. You’re doing the right thing: Learn why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle, the importance of quality of life vs quantity, and how to live a life of health and vitality. Receive your body comp test results, your prescribed menu plan, and learn how to get started.


Class #2 June 28th 6:00 p.m. Shopping Strategies:  Class is held at Kroger. Explore smart shopping and learn how to navigate the grocery store. Learn the scoop on GMO’s and non-GMO, organic vs non-organic, and important label reading tips.


Class #3 July 12th 6:00 p.m. Stress solutions:  Explore the stress connection and how it affects our health and weight. Stress can increase inflammation, cortisol and destroy the gut. What is your stress score?


Class #4 July 26th 6:00 p.m. Eating, Exercise, Energy and Metabolism:  Increase your knowledge of how protein, fats, and carbohydrates are utilized in the body; how insulin resistance impacts the utilization of foods, and how to break through it.


Class #5  August 9th 6:00 p.m. Catalyst and Sparkplugs:  Discover the importance of gut health, digestion, absorption of vitamins, minerals, and where you can get antioxidants, phytonutrients and the role it all plays on our health, as well as boosting the immune system.


  • Schedule second body composition test and urine analysis


Class #6 August 23rd 6:00 p.m. Real World Eating: Discover tricks to eating out and surprising statistics of the food industry; review together area menus and how to make healthier selections when dinning out.


  • Overview of body composition test results and urine results are compared to start



SUPER VALUE PRICE:  $350.00 (715.00 Value) paid in two installments ($175 at registration/ $175 at first class).


*Does not include product. *Must have 4 people minimum to have workshop run.


Classes Held at Forum Health ClarkstonNutrition


7300 Dixie Hwy. Suite 500


Clarkston, MI 48346


Must pre-register by calling 248-625-6143

