Emotional Freedom Technique or “EFT” Class

Your only problems in life… are your negative beliefs! EFT is an EASY way to remove them!


Would you like to:

  1.     Reduce Pain and discomfort?
  2.     Implement a sense of peace into your daily life?
  3.     Welcome healing into your life?


Linda Pietrzak with “Heaven’s Health Care Plan” is presenting a 2 class series on EFT


  • Join us on a journey of self-discovery using a technique that applies gentle pressure on specific tapping points on the body to stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body.
  • By tapping or applying gentle pressure at specific points in an organized fashion and by eliminating the negative emotions that hold us hostage, the flow of energy is released.
  • We will use essential oils, guided meditation and the EFT tapping sequence to work on any issue you would like.


**Dress comfortably and bring your journal/pad of paper**

Cost: $20 per person per class – must call in advance to pay and register

Minimum of 4 people needed to hold the class and seats are limited RSVP early – by/before May 11th! 248-625-5143

Location: 7300 Dixie Hwy, Suite 500, Clarkston, MI 48346

