SET-DB Program

SET-DB Program

My nutritionist, Brittany, recommended that I do the SET-DB program with Alyssa. I was suffering with food sensitivities, where all foods, I mean absolutely everything, made me feel sick and uncomfortable and in pain. I hated eating out of fear for the symptoms that followed. This was an awful feeling because I was hungry and wanted to eat but dreaded the consequences.

The complete sensitivity program SET-DB with Alyssa Curp…

This included food, environmental, and autoimmune sensitivities to ensure that I covered all things in my environment and self that could be causing my sensitivities.

After 66 treatments, I have completed the program and I have experienced incredible results. I can now eat without feeling sick, uncomfortable, and in pain. The environmental and autoimmune sensitivity treatments have also had a positive impact in my life. My body no longer feels like it is fighting to survive – like I may have previously been sensitive to everything around me. I am so thankful for this program and Alyssa; they have played a huge role in giving me my life back.

Hannah Jolley

