“I’m FREE of My Old Ways, Thanks to Forum Health Clarkston!”

“I’m FREE of My Old Ways, Thanks to Forum Health Clarkston!”

After my treatment for breast cancer ended I joined a small, six-session workshop instructed by Brittany Golden at Forum Health Clarkston. Was I ever so lucky! Brittany taught us the essentials to healthy living and the science behind it, meal management, recipes, and easy-to-remember healthy tips to implement in our daily lives.

She took us to the local supermarket (field trip!) and taught us how to select healthy foods and snacks that we would actually enjoy eating. After the group experience, I was so impressed that I signed up for an individual program.

I learned…

  • Not to hate my body, but to embrace it and nurture it
  • To change my mind-set about food and exercise
  • The keys to being my best self
  • How to eliminate the urges to gobble up sugar and carb-laden comfort foods
  • Life-long good habits for making food choices (and how easy it really is to do)
  • How to enjoy the parties and reunions while staying true to my new view


Now, I am truly free of my old ways. Without a doubt, my health plan with Forum Health Clarkston changed my life!

Rana Allen

