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Healthy Summer Tips

  This summer is a hot one in Michigan, folks. With temps soaring well into the 90’s, most people seek out ways to spend their sizzling days near water. Whether you’re in a pool, at a beach, on a boat, or tubing down a river, the humidity isn’t the only thing we battle. The heat […]


  Unless you have the sense of humor of a young boy, it’s one of the most difficult things to talk about. For nearly 20% of the adult population, it’s one of the most difficult things to do. We get a little red-faced when asked about it. Sometimes there isn’t enough spray in the world […]

Answers to your questions on Carbonated Waters!

  At Forum Health Clarkston, our goal is to heal the body from within by giving it the right environment. That’s the whole body—not just some of it. So, it becomes a problem when the environment we’re trying to heal is water deficient. “The average American still only drinks 1.8 cups a day, which is […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  The pink ribbons are everywhere. The local schools are adorning their athletes in pink socks and pink jerseys. The Fight Like a Girl signs are up, proudly standing behind every woman who’s ever been affected. Pink, pink, PINK! There’s no mistaking it: October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   As we go through the […]

September 21st is National Gratitude Day!

September 21, 2018 is National Gratitude Day!   Yes, that’s a thing. Although every day should be National Gratitude Day, I especially like that it has a day because it gives me a chance to spread the love and to also tell you something you may not know.   What is it? I think that […]

Adelpha Breast Thermography


Prevention is the Best Medicine – Your Immune System is the Best Defense

COLD & FLU PREVENTION   As the cold and flu season approaches we are all told to get vaccinated to avoid catching a sickness that can last for weeks.  However, while vaccines decrease the chance of coming down with the flu, there are many strands of the flu that a vaccination cannot prevent.  In addition, […]

Health: It’s An Investment, NOT An Expense!

Health: An Investment, not an Expense! Our health is an investment in the future! We live to work, plan, sock our money away, and spend wisely. While it can be daunting and downright annoying, we do it all for the future: for those sweet, golden days of retirement. This sounds wonderful—it’s responsible. Through all that […]

Working with Your Gut Feelings

  A Class That Teaches Strategies Like Self Awareness, Rocking, Tapping and Vibration – “Tools to Soothe You to the Core   Presented by Osa Jackson Schulte PhD, PT, GCFP/AT   June 13th at 6:30 p.m. 7300 Dixie Hwy., Suite 500 Clarkston, MI 48346 Call to register 248-625-5143   Feldenkrais Method® teaches pain management and […]

Turn hay fever to spring fever with Functional Medicine

Turn seasonal allergies and hay fever into spring fever with Functional Medicine   For some, spring is a time for colorful blossoms and fresh cut grass. It’s a time of rebirth and beauty. For most, however, it’s a time of misery. A time when seasonal allergies with itchy, watery eyes and stuffed up noses wreak havoc […]

Menopause – Changes Today, Welcome Relief Tomorrow

  A woman’s body is extraordinary, a complex design made to protect and form human life. Through the first stages of her menstrual cycle to the moment life grows inside her, a woman’s body is the prefect representation of strength and beauty. As time goes on, however, those same abilities that make her unique are […]

Blood Pressure Causing a Dilemma?

Blood Pressure Dilemma?   Blood pressure can be a real issue for many people.  Often clients come in on three and four different medications trying to get blood pressure into a normal range.  This can be a challenge because blood pressure can rise from exercise, stress, and emotions ranging from joy to anger.  Usually blood […]

Suffering from Prolonged Anxiety or Panic Disorder?

young girl with bear

  Many clients come in with an underlying issue of anxiety or panic, most have lived with this for many years and have accepted it as normal life.   Anxiety is a tool of the human body that is meant to be a healthy response to stresses in our life or even to dangerous situations.  […]

Saving The Gallbladder!

  It amazes me the increased number of people suffering from gallbladder malfunction and the only form of advice from conventional doctors is to remove the gallbladder.  A whooping 750,000 gallbladder surgeries are performed yearly in the USA.  The gallbladder is an important organ and all of our organs are necessary so if you can […]

The Countless Pros Of Probiotics

  Most people do not realize how valuable Probiotics are for preventing several different health conditions.  Many physicians believe that you can get enough beneficial flora from food and do not understand the value of taking a probiotic daily. The second I feel anything coming on a sniffle, irritated throat, nausea, change in stool I […]

Surviving Kidney Stones by Addressing the Underlying Cause

  Passing kidney stones is known to be extremely painful, which is why they can easily put someone out of work, ruin his or her week, and make it hard to go about normal activities. Of course, you want to diminish your kidney stone symptoms quickly because they’re agonizing and uncomfortable to live with, but perhaps even […]

Treating Fibromyalgia Naturally

  About 2 percent of the United States population is affected by Fibromyalgia. That’s about five million people! Think about it: That’s as if every person in the great state of Colorado had fibromyalgia. Fibro is about seven times more common in women than men, and is more likely to develop in middle age and later […]

Stomping Out Gout Naturally

  Gout is something that plagues more and more people every day, and it’s caused from uric acid buildup in the body.  Anyone who has experienced the excruciating pain of a gout attack knows that it is no laughing matter. Some sufferers have described the intense pain of a gout attack as similar to being […]

Best Defense Against Stress During The Holidays – 5 Easy Steps

stressed woman

Stress can play havoc on our mind and body. On our worst days, when stresses and demands seem relentless how would you characterize the way you react? Calm, cool and collected?  Or are you irritable, easily agitated and ready to explode?  When you reflect back on stressful happenings, do you wish you would have handled […]

Why Is Diabetes Skyrocketing?

Functional Medicine Approach to Diabetes   Why is Diabetes Skyrocketing?   There is no doubt that diabetes is on the rise at an alarming rate. The CDC estimates that 1/3 of all Americans will develop diabetes.  Currently in the United States, nearly 80 million people have some form of Diabetes.   What’s worse, both type 1 […]

Easy Steps to Preventing Kidney Stones

Easy Steps to Preventing Kidney Stones Kidney stones are so painful they can be completely debilitating and end up with a costly hospitalization. Recently at Forum Health Clarkstonwe have been getting numerous calls from people with kidney stones and bladder infections. The heat of the summer increases your risk and people are more susceptible to […]


WHAT IS LEAKY GUT?         80% of our immune system is in our gut, it is very important to have a healthy gut. So what is Leaky gut syndrome? How do I know if I have it? Some people may present with symptoms including bloating, gas, cramps, food sensitivities, and aches and pains. Sometimes it […]


Today is Fibromyalgia awareness day in honor of this day my heart goes out to all of those people that suffer everyday with this debilitating disease. I once suffered from Fibromyalgia myself and have since fully recovered. According to the Mayo Clinic fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, […]


What is Leptin? Leptin is a master hormone that was discovered in 1994 (Wikipedia, 2015) and is a key regulator in appetite regulation, including the awareness of hunger and the feeling of fullness, known as satiety.  Leptin regulates the body’s ability to burn fats for energy and the metabolism of the thyroid, and it assists […]

A common ”D”efficiency: Vitamin D and your health

Vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies. Low levels can be linked to “cancer development, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic muscle pain, bone loss, and autoimmune diseases” (Hyman, 2014). Because vitamin D is responsible for regulating and controlling our genetic code, along with helping calcium and phosphorous absorb […]

5 Tips to Detox Heavy Metals

Toxins – Where do they come from? Chronic disease begins with a gene-environment mismatch; our environment has changed so much that we are now dealing with many chemicals in our food chain, over consumption of sugar, rising rates of obesity, fast food and processed food and we now have an alarming rate of increasing air […]


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