Cyclic Vomiting

Cyclic Vomiting

Six years ago, I had a colon resection after suffering with endometriosis for years. After the surgery, I started having severe episodes of vomiting~or otherwise known as Cyclic Vomiting. I would vomit 8-10 times per day. Wherever I went, I got sick. It was so bad that I had to carry ziplock bags in my purse. If that wasn’t bad enough, the surgery also brought horrible constipation and abdominal pain.

In the span of one year, I’d had 6 colonoscopies. I’ve been to gastroenterologists, allergists and every other specialist you can imagine. Everyone ran tests and handed me over to someone else. 

I was feeling pretty hopeless when someone suggested Forum Health Clarkston to me…

I met with Cindy and we started working on the program right away. We did trial and errors with different supplements and an elimination diet until we found the right combination for my body. Now, one year later…

  • I no longer vomit every day
  • My constipation is gone
  • I am pain FREE


I am so grateful I found the right person! Anyone going through health issues should go see the Forum Health Clarkston team!

