Cognitive Support

As seen in the August 18th, 2021 Senior Living edition of the Clarkston News  By now, most of us know we must keep our bodies healthy to prevent diseases like cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. What only a small percentage know is the brain is very much part […]

Cognitive Decline: Identify, Remove and Reverse

  Throughout this series, we’ve gone over health planning for preventative strategies in part one and when to pay attention to those “senior moments” in part two. Unfortunately, 5.8 million Americans are already in the thick of some form of dementia or cognitive decline.   People who suspect they have cognitive decline often do not […]

Cognitive Decline: When to Pay Attention

  As seen in the August 21st, 2019 issue of the Clarkston News…   Have you read Part One?   We all have those moments when we walk into a room and forget why we’re there. Sometimes we might search desperately for our phone and find it in the fridge—don’t judge me! We’ve all had […]

It’s Not a “Senior Moment”

  We live to work, plan, save, and spend wisely. While all that discipline can be downright annoying, we do it for the future—for those sweet, golden days of retirement. Building a strong financial strategy is the responsible thing to do, but is it the only thing to do? While some may argue yes, they […]

No Excuses! Anyone Can Exercise—Even YOU

I exercise because I want to look good in a bathing suit. There. I said it. That’s really what drives me. When I’m down to that last mile and I just want to stop, I imagine myself sitting on my boat. What does that look like? Am I wrapped up in a towel, hunched over, […]

Thoughts on the Effects of Technology

Zombies, Phones and Gaming Systems   I forgot. I was too tired. I didn’t hear you…         I’ve heard these statements 100 times in one day. When my son doesn’t feed the dog, forgets to unload the dishwasher, or stays up too late, there are two technology culprits at play: his iPhone or […]


Mild Cognitive Impairment The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised and worked on a daily basis to avoid mental impairment.  As we age it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your mind sharp as it once was when we were younger.  Though it’s impossible to keep brain function at 100% as we […]