Masterclass: Kick the sugar!
Sugar is the main ingredient in some of America’s favorite drinks and foods. It feeds chronic illnesses including obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, diabetes as well as cognitive decline and even cancer. We know it’s dangerous and yet the average American continues to consume about 80 grams of sugar per day. In this Masterclass, functional medicine nutritionist and […]
Optimal and Healthy Goals
This is the time of year when a majority of the country has decided to make weight loss or health their resolution. New memberships fill up the local health clubs and pretty pictures of nutritious meals grace the newsfeeds of Instagram and FaceBook. Even as I write this, my husband and I have sworn […]
No Excuses! Anyone Can Exercise—Even YOU
I exercise because I want to look good in a bathing suit. There. I said it. That’s really what drives me. When I’m down to that last mile and I just want to stop, I imagine myself sitting on my boat. What does that look like? Am I wrapped up in a towel, hunched over, […]
Answering the question – What is Keto and Ketosis?
I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You’ve probably even wondered if it’s for you. The Keto diet seems to be everywhere, with videos of people putting butter in their coffee while eating plates full of bacon. The craze of Keto has grown to an early 2000’s Atkins-size fad. What have we learned about fads? They […]