My Orthopedic Surgeon could not believe the ankle healed itself between the MRI and this visit!

Cindy, I wanted to share some great news with you. My appt today with the Orthopedic Surgeon was amazing! My MRI showed that I had one of the worst sprains that he had ever seen. BUT… when the doctor examined my ankle to determine the therapy needed he he was stunned! He could not believe the ankle healed itself between the MRI and this visit. I explained that I have been on a nutritional program that helps heal the body! My doctor told me that it was a miraculous recovery in such a short time and he wanted to know who my nutritionist was. At the end of our appointment the doctor told me to “run like the wind” because he saw no issues with my ankle. He also told me to keep seeing my nutritionist because I have a good one! Thank you for all you have done for me it is truly amazing!


