Holistic Health

Holistic Health Treatment in Clarkston

Holistic Medicine: Mind, Body, Spirit

The traditional medical model is accustomed to dealing with the mind, body, and spirit separately. At Forum Health Clarkston, we understand that all parts of a whole have an intimate connection and the mind, body, and spirit cannot be understood independently. This is the very reason behind our functional medicine approach and why we’ve embraced holistic medicine as an essential tool in our practice.

What is holistic medicine?

The word “holistic” implies the state of the whole, or “holism,” which is the theory that all parts of any whole cannot exist nor be understood separately. Holistic Health emphasizes the connection within the mind, body and spirit. It encompasses the health of the entire being as a whole and extends to everyone and everything that interacts with you in any way. This includes your environment, resources, and especially your relationships.

Therefore, we at Forum Health Clarkston work from all angles to heal our clients, from what is going on in their body physically in terms of illness or disease and also of the close inter-relation with their psychological, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental state that may be hindering progress.

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