Get Our Proven Process Anywhere!
Do you live out of state or are too far away from our center?
Now you can experience the Forum Health Clarkston difference anywhere with our remote program! Receive full access to our unique, proven process through one-on-one, virtual conferences with one of our Functional Medicine Nutritionists.
Once you sign up, we’ll ship you our “Weight Loss in a Box” kit!
Receive a completely turn-key solution created just for you! It has the tools you need right “out of the box” to keep you connected to our experts, from anywhere. You can literally unpack the pieces you need to succeed as easy as unwrapping a gift!
The kit includes:
- A remote-connected scale that syncs to our easy-to-use digital platform and takes accurate body composition readings that our experts will be able to monitor
- Shaker cup, water bottle & exercise band
- Our customized meal portal that is designed to meet your body’s needs and includes a shopping list, menu plans, and recipes
Stay in the comfort of your own home while you get the benefits of our Lifestyle program, including the client favorites: The Grocery Store Class with Brittany and a virtual Mindfulness coaching session with our psychologist, Pam Linn!
Remote treatments by Forum Health Clarkston remain individualized and provide nutritional education, virtual group classes, chronic disease management, weight management and lifestyle modification. Additional services include functional nutrition therapy, healthy ways to de-stress and alternative lifestyle options.
Forum Health Clarkston creates cost-effective and convenient programs that can easily fit within your everyday lifestyle and location!