Health & Healing: Central Nervous System


Presented by Dr. Bennett from Orion Family Spinal Center


Did you know that the Central Nervous system plays a main role in your health?

In this class, you will learn how the body gets sick from improper function of the nervous system, and how it gets well when things are functioning correctly.


This Class includes:

  1. Risk factors and warning signs of improper nervous system function.
  2. How to evaluate the nervous system for good health.
  3. A Complimentary risk assessment using state of the art technology to determine the health of your nervous system.


When: Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Time: 6:30PM
Hosted by: Forum Health Clarkston– 7300 Dixie Hwy., Suite 500  Clarkston, MI 48346
Cost: $15.00 call to prepay
RSVP:  Call to reserve your seat 248-625-5143 by March 9, 2017

Minimum of 4 people to hold the class

