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No Excuses! Anyone Can Exercise—Even YOU

I exercise because I want to look good in a bathing suit. There. I said it. That’s really what drives me. When I’m down to that last mile and I just want to stop, I imagine myself sitting on my boat. What does that look like? Am I wrapped up in a towel, hunched over, […]

Answering the question – What is Keto and Ketosis?

I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You’ve probably even wondered if it’s for you. The Keto diet seems to be everywhere, with videos of people putting butter in their coffee while eating plates full of bacon. The craze of Keto has grown to an early 2000’s Atkins-size fad. What have we learned about fads? They […]

Loving your heart to great health!

Heart Health! We all know that our heart sustains our life, as much as the breath, but oftentimes we take its inherent beating rhythm for granted. We may choose lifestyles that negatively impact our hearts vital functioning. In so doing, we run the risk of developing significant cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, arterial plaque […]

7 Survival Tips To Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Regulated

7 Survival Tips To Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Regulated Did you know that over 77 million American adults suffer from high blood pressure? That’s about 1 in 3 people. And of those people, 70,000 will die from their high blood pressure each year. These are scary numbers, and rightfully so – high blood pressure […]

Importance of Healthy Blood Sugar Metabolism

  60 million Americans have “insulin resistance” a form of unhealthy blood sugar metabolism that goes unrecognized.   Achieving and maintaining proper blood sugar metabolism is essential for a lifetime of excellent health.  Prolonged unhealthy blood sugar metabolism leads to inflammation and can significantly affect the health of your nerves, eyes, blood vessels, kidneys and pancreas.  […]

Cooling Chronic Inflammation!

Inflammation drives dis-ease like diabetes, cardiovascular, IBS, Chron’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis and obesity. Even for my clients that just want to lose weight I always say “we must put out the fire first before we can even begin to remodel the house”   Cortisol is a stress hormone and is typically an anti-inflammatory hormone, however when […]


 HORMONAL IMBALANCE – REEKING HAVOC ON THE BODIES HEALTH! Causes for hormonal imbalances include poor gut health, inflammation, high amounts of stress, genetic susceptibility, and toxicity Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health. Hormones are secreted by various glands […]

For The Love of Fiber

Fiber plays a vital role in our body’s internal health and well-being.  Helping solids to pass easily through the digestive tract, fiber also pulls toxins out of the intestines during the process of elimination.  In addition, its bulkiness absorbs cholesterol molecules which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.  And while we’re talking about […]

Fats: Good, Bad & the Ugly

Not every fat is created equal and not every fat needs be feared.  Understanding the difference between healthy fat sources and those that cause disease states (including high cholesterol, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, cataracts and even Alzheimer’s, among a host of other physical ailments),  is the key to finding which fats to incorporate into your […]

The Importance of Healthy Dietary Fats

healthy eating

Just like a car needs to have regular oil and filter changes to run smoothly and efficiently, your body also needs regular healthy dietary fats and oils to keep it lubricated and running without aches, pains, or creaks.  Healthy fats and oils give your system a recharge, and are a wonderful boost to your nervous […]

A New Year, Another Broken Resolution

It’s mid way though January and many of us are already slowly breaking your gym routines and diet plans (unintentional, of course) and starting off the new year with broken resolutions.   According to the number one most broken New Year’s Resolution is ‘Lose Weight and Get Fit’ with ‘Eat Healthier and Diet’ at number […]