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No Excuses! Anyone Can Exercise—Even YOU

I exercise because I want to look good in a bathing suit. There. I said it. That’s really what drives me. When I’m down to that last mile and I just want to stop, I imagine myself sitting on my boat. What does that look like? Am I wrapped up in a towel, hunched over, […]

Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

What is Colon Cancer?  Colon cancer affects the colon, which is also known as the large intestine. When the cancer does not affect the rectum, it is called colon cancer. However, when the cancer does affect the rectum, it is then considered colorectal cancer. Colon cancer tends to begin when small benign clumps of cells […]

Skin Cancer: Symptoms and Prevention

What is Skin Cancer?  The quick answer is that skin cancer is the abnormal and rapid growth of skin cells. However, there’s a lot more to it than people think. It occurs when the body does not repair the damage to the DNA inside skin cells, which allows the cells to divide and then grow uncontrollably. […]

Sinus Infections and Sinusitis: Reasons, Remedies and Relief

Whether they are chronic or viral, over 35 million Americans suffer with sinusitis or sinus infections every year. From the sniffles to the face pain and pressure, those who suffer know how unpleasant symptoms can be. Unfortunately, in most cases, antibiotics do more harm than good. To avoid long-term damage, it’s important to understand sinus […]

Growth and Nutrition: Kids, Eat Your Spinach and Be Strong to the Finish

I have wonderful memories of watching Popeye from my spot, crisscross applesauce on my grandmother’s living room floor. When Popeye wanted strength, he opened a can of spinach and tossed the leafy greens into his mouth. His muscles grew and he saved the day! In my tender inexperience, however, Popeye was just a cartoon. I […]

Answering the question – What is Keto and Ketosis?

I’m sure you’ve heard of it. You’ve probably even wondered if it’s for you. The Keto diet seems to be everywhere, with videos of people putting butter in their coffee while eating plates full of bacon. The craze of Keto has grown to an early 2000’s Atkins-size fad. What have we learned about fads? They […]

Loving your heart to great health!

Heart Health! We all know that our heart sustains our life, as much as the breath, but oftentimes we take its inherent beating rhythm for granted. We may choose lifestyles that negatively impact our hearts vital functioning. In so doing, we run the risk of developing significant cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, arterial plaque […]

Dementia – Symptoms and Help

Dementia – Improving Cognitive Health Dementia has been on the minds of many who have reached a certain age that requires reflection on their mental health, however, studies have shown that side effects of cognitive impairment can begin as early as age 45.  As signs of mental decline begin to crop up, most treat it […]

Preparing Your Body for a Healthy Pregnancy: Is Your Body Ready?

So you want to have a baby… You and your other half have lined up all your ducks; you’ve paid off your debt and you’ve planned the perfect babymoon. Everything’s in order. You’re almost ready to start trying. Period tracker check! Ovulation Predictor Kit check! Basil Body Temperature Recorder check! OBGYN check check! All the […]


Mild Cognitive Impairment The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised and worked on a daily basis to avoid mental impairment.  As we age it becomes increasingly difficult to keep your mind sharp as it once was when we were younger.  Though it’s impossible to keep brain function at 100% as we […]

Ending Alzheimer’s

Ending Alzheimer’s   Alzheimer’s disease is on the rise 30,000,000 patients in 2012 and currently the 3rd leading cause of death this disease is now recognized as a new epidemic.  If this does not get your attention I don’t know what will.  This used to be a disease of the 8th decade and now we […]

How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess

How to De-Stress in a Holiday Mess Last week, I went to write down the date and my hand struggled to complete the task: December 15th? That can’t be right. Staring at the wall in front of me, I had to think.  Wasn’t it just November 15th, like, yesterday? When my brain finally caught up to the […]

Did you participate in No Shave November?

  What is the prostate? The prostate is a gland about the size of a chestnut in the male reproductive system. It surrounds part of the urethra—the tube that empties the bladder—just below the bladder and above the muscles of the lower pelvic area.   It’s function? The prostate is responsible for the production of […]

7 Survival Tips To Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Regulated

7 Survival Tips To Help Keep Your Blood Pressure Regulated Did you know that over 77 million American adults suffer from high blood pressure? That’s about 1 in 3 people. And of those people, 70,000 will die from their high blood pressure each year. These are scary numbers, and rightfully so – high blood pressure […]

Dining Socially with Friends

Dining Out with Friends: Tips and Tricks on How to Keep Your Social Life Healthy With all the good happening in your newfound healthy life, from the way you feel in the morning to the compliments you receive on your healthy glow and/or all that glorious weight loss, it would seem nothing can get you […]

Halloween Treats: Stop Handing out Bellyaches and Toxins

All the Tricks in Those Treats! All Hallow’s Eve, my favorite time of year! It’s a time when mischief prevails, and ghosts and ghouls run a muck. It’s also a time for candida to thrive. But just because they ask for a trick or treat on Halloween, Give me something good to eat doesn’t have to mean poison. While the […]

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance: Knowing the Difference

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance: Knowing the Difference Food allergies affect one in five people (Dr. Axe). They occur as a response in the immune system when the body senses a disagreeable food or protein. This results in a trigger response as the body tries to protect itself and produces histamine to fight off the […]

Epstein Barr, Mono & Natural Remedies

  Epstein Barr The onslaught of fatigue, inflammation, and a sore throat may seem like mild symptoms of a common cold, but when presented as the Epstein Barr virus, these symptoms can be severe enough to keep you in bed for weeks. Epstein Barr virus has affected up to 95% of Americans.  The virus is […]


UNDERSTANDING INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS (IC) SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT   Interstitial Cystitis (IC), or Painful Bladder Disease, is a bothersome condition that is not easy to remedy. It can affect both men and women, but it is much more prevalent in women. It is characterized by chronic pelvic/bladder pain or pressure, a constant, urgent need to urinate, […]

Dealing with Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety A proper diet is the main determinant of body functions.  From cardiovascular health and joint health to brain function including, moods, anxiety, depression and stress management.  However, stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates that are used for a quick energy boost, may contribute to a lasting onset of anxiety that […]

Health: It’s An Investment, NOT An Expense!

Health: An Investment, not an Expense! Our health is an investment in the future! We live to work, plan, sock our money away, and spend wisely. While it can be daunting and downright annoying, we do it all for the future: for those sweet, golden days of retirement. This sounds wonderful—it’s responsible. Through all that […]

Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Kidney Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment   The average, healthy person has two kidneys. They are both about the size of a fist and are located at either side of the spine, just below the rib cage. The role of the kidneys is to help the body detoxify by getting rid of or filtering out […]

Thyroid -Effects every body function. Keep it healthy!

The thyroid gland contributes to almost every function in the body. This butterfly shaped gland located behind the Adam’s apple, releases a hormone that is responsible for regulating the metabolism of every cell in the body. This effects brain function, cholesterol levels, body temperature, the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and more.  This hormone is […]

The Relationship between Poison Ivy and Mangos!

Allergic to Poison Ivy?  Watch out for Mangos! What you need to know before touching a Mango   Mangos are a wonderful nutrient rich fruit however; did you know mangos belong to the same plant family as poison ivy? Yes, that is correct, and the skin of a mango can give you that same great […]

Defining Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatments

Happy women hugging each other

Defining Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatments Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that occurs when tissue (endometrium) migrates outside of the uterus, specifically on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other areas in the pelvic region and abdomen. This displaced tissue continues to act as it normally would during the menstrual cycle. It thickens, breaks down, and […]

Adrenal Fatigue Can be Healed!

Adrenal fatigue can surface at any time in a person’s life and is more common than you think.  Caused by poor lifestyle habits and the surrounding environment, adrenal fatigue can begin with subtle symptoms and oftentimes go undetected without proper treatment. As this prolongs, you might fall into the trap of accepting that fatigue, depression […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms and Relief

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms and Relief   Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can vary from case to case. It tends to come and go with stress and certain lifestyle changes. Because there is no specific blood test to detect IBS, it must be diagnosed through the symptoms it presents. This is why tracking your symptoms […]

Turn hay fever to spring fever with Functional Medicine

Turn seasonal allergies and hay fever into spring fever with Functional Medicine   For some, spring is a time for colorful blossoms and fresh cut grass. It’s a time of rebirth and beauty. For most, however, it’s a time of misery. A time when seasonal allergies with itchy, watery eyes and stuffed up noses wreak havoc […]

5 Ways Nutrition Improves Cancer Outcomes

woman with cancer

  The answer is simple, if you give the body the right environment it can heal.   Nutrients can improve cancer outcome by: Inducing death in the cancer cells Reverting cancer cells back to a healthy cell Improving immune function to recognize and destroy cancer cells Helps the body to wall off or encapsulate the tumor […]

Importance of Healthy Blood Sugar Metabolism

  60 million Americans have “insulin resistance” a form of unhealthy blood sugar metabolism that goes unrecognized.   Achieving and maintaining proper blood sugar metabolism is essential for a lifetime of excellent health.  Prolonged unhealthy blood sugar metabolism leads to inflammation and can significantly affect the health of your nerves, eyes, blood vessels, kidneys and pancreas.  […]

Cooling Chronic Inflammation!

Inflammation drives dis-ease like diabetes, cardiovascular, IBS, Chron’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis and obesity. Even for my clients that just want to lose weight I always say “we must put out the fire first before we can even begin to remodel the house”   Cortisol is a stress hormone and is typically an anti-inflammatory hormone, however when […]


 HORMONAL IMBALANCE – REEKING HAVOC ON THE BODIES HEALTH! Causes for hormonal imbalances include poor gut health, inflammation, high amounts of stress, genetic susceptibility, and toxicity Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are extremely important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of your overall health. Hormones are secreted by various glands […]


  SIMPLE STEPS TO REVERSE/DELAY AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Autoimmune issues are on the rise and about 75% of these autoimmune conditions present themselves in women. Current science now recognizes that autoimmunity is often triggered by inflammation and various stressors in the body. When the immune system becomes overwhelmed with lifestyle and environmental triggers it becomes overloaded and […]

AT RISK FOR “Type 3 DIABETES” – aka Alzheimer’s Disease

   AT RISK FOR “Type 3 DIABETES” – aka Alzheimer’s Disease?   Diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are all on the rise.  You cannot help but to worry about your grandparents and aging parents.  Dementia is a big problem and getting bigger every day. Statistics are daunting, 10 percent of 65-year-old, 25 percent of 75-year-old, and […]

Online & Over the Counter Supplement Purchasing – Healthy? Risky? Waste of Money?

Risking health? Improving health and wellness…….Purchasing supplements? What to get and are they the right product for the right symptom? Are they what they say they are? Are they safe? Are they certified by a reputable medical organization? Are they over hyped and under performing? Know the facts before purchasing supplementation OTC or online.  I cannot […]

Your Thyroid – Keeping it Healthy!

4 Things That Wreak Havoc On Your Thyroid   Your thyroid, one of the largest endocrine glands, greatly influences almost every cell in your body.  The thyroid plays a part in nearly every metabolic process and when the thyroid isn’t working you won’t feel well!    Aside from regulating your metabolism and weight by controlling the […]


UNDERSTANDING  CANDIDA…… WHAT IS CANDIDA? Candida is a fungus that is normal and lives in most of us.  However when candida becomes overgrown then it becomes an underlying issue effecting your health.  Most conventional doctors do not recognize or treat Candida, unless you present with vaginal yeast infection or thrush in which they only treat […]

Easy Steps to Preventing Kidney Stones

Easy Steps to Preventing Kidney Stones Kidney stones are so painful they can be completely debilitating and end up with a costly hospitalization. Recently at Forum Health Clarkstonwe have been getting numerous calls from people with kidney stones and bladder infections. The heat of the summer increases your risk and people are more susceptible to […]

5 Detox Tips to Jump Start Your Year Round Wellness

Time to tidy up     “Spring cleaning” is behind us as we merge into the summer adventures. We are all busy planning family vacations, enjoying seasonal foods and finding more ways to get outside. Even though you may have just spring cleaned your home it is important to remember that the body can also […]


  Nutritional therapy is critical for successful treatment of alcoholism, or overindulging. The recovering alcoholic must receive vitamin and mineral supplementation in order to repair the cellular damage caused by drinking. Proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids given in the correct amounts and portions are critical for cells to generate new cells, repair injured cells […]


Lifestyle changes can be as simple as starting with following these four simple steps: Water: Adding clean water into your daily regime can be one of the simplest changes to make. It is important to look at the source of water to help reduce toxic burden. A good water filter is a great lifetime investment. […]

Detoxification: The health risks and benefits

Woman enjoying a healthy beverage in her kitchen.

The air we breathe, the water we drink or swim in, the chemicals we use on our hair or body, the medications we take, and the foods we eat are just some of the elements surrounding us in the modern world that are potential sources of toxicity.  It’s no longer, “Are we toxic?”  The question […]

Not a milk drinker? Here are the top alternative sources of Calcium

Milk is not for everyone.  For some, lactose intolerance causes major gastrointestinal discomfort, including gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea or constipation.  This is because the body lacks production of the enzyme, lactase, which breaks down milk sugars, called lactose.  Other individuals may simply have an aversion to the taste of milk.  The biggest question they […]

Making the choice for healthy dietary fats

  Our bodies need healthy fats.  Cell walls are made of a double layer of fat, the brain is composed of 65-70% fat, and fats provide protective padding to the joints.  Healthy fats and oils in the diet promote an increased feeling of fullness, called satiety, because they burn slowly as a fuel source.  Fats […]

Work Travel: Tips for eating healthy when you’re on the go

When we think of travel, we generally associate it with a fun-filled vacation destination.  But it’s easy to forget that for many folks, travel for work is part of the job description.  According to the National Household Travel Survey, conducted between 2001-02, “…the majority of long-distance business trips in the United States are taken to […]

Could you be addicted to your food?

By now, most have heard of the horrors of processed food.  The nutrient-depleted remnants of what was once a healthy food source wreak havoc on the body.  Our cells need an abundance of fresh, colorful foods in order to maintain healthy balance; this doesn’t mean something that will live on a shelf covered in preservatives […]

5 Tips to Detox Heavy Metals

Toxins – Where do they come from? Chronic disease begins with a gene-environment mismatch; our environment has changed so much that we are now dealing with many chemicals in our food chain, over consumption of sugar, rising rates of obesity, fast food and processed food and we now have an alarming rate of increasing air […]

Are Eggs Health Friendly? The Facts Revealed

For years, myths of health rumors revolving around eggs causing high cholesterol and increased risk for cardiovascular events circulated in the mainstream media.  Many stopped eating eggs altogether and poultry farmers took a hit.  What was once a key component of the American diet was suddenly taboo.  In recent years, however, extensive research is finding […]

For The Love of Fiber

Fiber plays a vital role in our body’s internal health and well-being.  Helping solids to pass easily through the digestive tract, fiber also pulls toxins out of the intestines during the process of elimination.  In addition, its bulkiness absorbs cholesterol molecules which can help reduce the risk of heart disease.  And while we’re talking about […]

Fats: Good, Bad & the Ugly

Not every fat is created equal and not every fat needs be feared.  Understanding the difference between healthy fat sources and those that cause disease states (including high cholesterol, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, cataracts and even Alzheimer’s, among a host of other physical ailments),  is the key to finding which fats to incorporate into your […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Diet

Chronic fatigue syndrome is nothing new. Symptoms associated with it have been noted since the 1800s, and outbreaks of the disease recorded sporadically throughout the last century. Nevertheless, the medical community remains confused about what actually causes the disease. One thing that’s becoming more clear, however, is the important role that diet can play in […]

Get Gastro Reflux Relief through Better Nutrition

Most people put a lot of sugar, caffeine and salt into their bodies on a daily basis. It’s cheap and easy to drink lots of soda pop and eat potato chips. Go to any gas station convenience store and you’ll be surrounded by foods and drinks that have the potential to agitate your digestive system. […]

The Benefits of a Low Glycemic Diet for Diabetics

Diabetes is one of those conditions that’s equivalent to a full-time job. A diabetic person has to constantly check blood sugar levels and maintain a “normal” level with diet and exercise. Those suffering from diabetes struggle containing their blood sugar levels and often find themselves suffering from hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. The first is too low […]

A New Year, Another Broken Resolution

It’s mid way though January and many of us are already slowly breaking your gym routines and diet plans (unintentional, of course) and starting off the new year with broken resolutions.   According to the number one most broken New Year’s Resolution is ‘Lose Weight and Get Fit’ with ‘Eat Healthier and Diet’ at number […]